I decided to share this letter one of my readers emailed to me:
Qweef, please help me. I have a bit of a problem. I don't think my man likes oral sex! I say this for a couple of reasons. For one, he's never came from me giving him oral. Two, he doesn't moan or make any type of noise while I'm doing it. Another problem I have is the fact that he allows me to do it for so long, I mean to the point where the sides of my mouth hurts. Should I just stop giving him oral sex? Help me. - Orally Frustrated
Well Orally Frustrated,
I think that you should talk to your man first before you shut down oral sex cold turkey. Talk to him and ask him how he feels when you're giving him head. If he tells you he likes it, ask him why he doesn't cum when you do it. But it's normal for a man to not cum during oral sex. If he seems like he still wants oral and he does like it afterall, then maybe you should try some new techniques. Get a vibrating cock ring and crank that baby up while you're sucking on his penis. You can also lick, kiss and suck other areas around his shaft and balls. When you do this, it stimulates him in a different way and can possibly bring him to that orgasmic peak.
As for your mouth hurting... Hell, take a break!
Thank you for writing in. And if anyone else has questions, feel free to email me at coochiechronicles@gmail.com
Sexcerely yours,
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