I learned very early in life, that you just have to know when to say "No". You have to know that everything that glitters definitely isn't gold or most times isn't even gold plated. So, I was messing with this guy. We'll call him Sorry. So Sorry and I were messing around for a little while. I won't say that we were dating because we never went anywhere outside his basement. So Sorry and I were friends but decided on a drunken night to add some benefits. I learned very quickly that Sorry liked pretty rough sex. He was all into the hair pulling, the biting, the back scratching and the ass slapping. He would throw me here and throw me there. It was pretty exciting because it was something new to me. So several sexual encounters went by and neither of us took that extra step to cross over into the oral sex stage, until one day... Oneday, Sorry and I decide to get it started and he proceeds to hint with his body language that he wants to taste my coochie but as iff he wasn't sure. He's licking and biting my inner thigh and kissing the top of my coochie. So then Sorry asks if he can eat me out and in a split second, my sexual life with him just flashed before my eyes. I saw biting, I saw scratching, I saw pain. Quickly, I answered, "No Thank You". He asked me why repeatedly and said please as if he all of a sudden needed to do it. I refused. I figured that if he was that rough having sex, he wouldn't know how to be gentle eating my coochie. It sounded good but I just couldn't take the risk of having my clit biten off. Do you guys think I should've let him eat my coochie? Or was it too risky?
Sexcerely yours,
I think that if you're gonna trust him enough to allow his cock inside of you then you should be comfortable enough to tell him to be gentle! That easy. You might have missed out on some really awesome oral...