Is it possible for a woman to just have sex with a man and not get emotionally attached? They say that women attach a lot of emotions to sex, so is it possible for us women to have sex with benefits. For myself, I can have sex wit a friend but it would have to be a one time thing. Once, I tried to do the sex with benefits thing and I did begin to get attached to the guy in a "I want a relationship" kind of way. I found myself secretly wanting him to take me out and wine and dine me but I knew I would never engage that to be let down. So oneday after we had sex, I knew in my head this had to be the last time, so I cut his ass off cold turkey. In the end, it did ruin our friendship because we are not as close as we were before we had sex. It's more like we talk on holidays type of relationship. I guess when you decide to have a "friends with benefits" relationship with someone, you have to be prepared to let go of one or the other or both at the end.
I think it is possible for a few women to have that kind of relationship but for the majority of women, they're just setting themselves up to get hurt or lose a friend. What do you think?
Sexcerely yours,
I don't think I could do it with someone who I was friends with before the 'benefits' started. I have been successful if it's a guy who I know I wouldn't date seriously, but we hang out and sometimes have sex...