Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Long Distance Relationships & Sex

With the internet ruling the world, long distance relationships are also booming. I mean flights and seas seperating one from their loved one. I know that when it comes to long distance relationships that their are rules to the game, but is setting rules about not having for months or even years at a time fair game? Let's say you and your BooThang both are not rich and wealthy to the point that you can afford to see each other every 2 or 3 months, should there be restricted sex rules or should you both agree to have an open relationship?
I say "open" relationship meaning that both of you can see other people including being intimate. I think to have a open relationship with long distance relationships are the best way to go to ensure honesty and it lessens the chances of you both getting hurt. If I was in a long distance relationship, it would have to be an open relationship until we work out a better situation when it comes to us really being together.

What do you think?

Sexcerely yours,



  1. im in the army.. and bein away from your spouse is the hardest thing.. yes i did stay faithful.. but most people dont.. its like a rule in the military do your thing when your gone and when your home nothing happened both for married men and women.. i do not believe in that.. but i think the eastiest thing to do is ichat you can see your partner and talk so its kinda like you never left.. but honestly all you can do is hope the other is makin the right choice because at the end of day love is not enought i have seen it time and time again

  2. Aww. And I agree. Love is not enough but a big part of a relationship.

  3. I for one don't think I could handle a long distance relationship. Not because I think I'd be unfaithful, but because it just doesn't seem fair to either person to put each other through that. I need to be intimate with and close to my partner from time to time. Not ALL the time, but people do need that. And people can say that sex doesn't make a relationship, but it's a HUGE part. Let's be real: when you first see or meet a person, you don't say "Hmmm...I think he/she shares some of my same values and morals"'s a physical attraction 9 times out of 10 unless you've known that person for a long time and grew close to them. Even then it plays a role as far as showing your feelings for that person. SEX MATTERS and that's hard to do for anybody. And I don't condone cheating on any level, but not all people are strong willed enough or have the emotional or physical capability that some people have as far as refraining from "straying". Just some thoughts...
