I think that the number of sex partners shouldn't be more than your age. If you are 23 years old, you should have had sex with 27 people and this applies for both men and women. Men tend to have more sex partners than women anyway or is that only because women don't tend to tell the truth when asked how many people they've slept with. And why do women lie? I don't think that any woman should be ashamed of the number of people she's slept with. If you lie about it, it's because in your mind you feel like you're a fast ass and most likely it's true. Lol. Men also lie, so don't think ya'll don't. Lol. If you're just sleeping with people all willie nillie then you should be able to be honest with someone when you are asked about how many partners you've had.
Overall, 1 partner or 11 partners; just make sure you practice safe sex and be honest!
Sexcerely yours,
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